This morning, I received more details about the assignment. Here is an excerpt from the e-mail. I removed personal names.
"...the Plato Center is new in Khorixas so it seems that you will be one of the couple of people getting kids in there for the first time. I understand that they are going to also assign a Namibian teacher to be your counterpart or colleague. (The Namibia Ministry of Education liaison) said that mornings you will likely work with community members such as grade 10/12 failures who are trying to improve their skills and retake the exams. School groups from surrounding schools will also visit the center at times you determine with them. And there will likely be a need/opportunity for after school hours for kids to come by and use the software. I don't know if I told you, but in Keetmanshoop (the site of another Plato Center) there are sort of "drop in hours" after school. I imagine that you will have a big role in shaping the programming. Your work schedule will partly be determined by the programming you set in place (in terms of school appointments, morning and after school use, etc) but I imagine it will be a 8 am-5 pm type deal. My new contact says that you'll mainly be working with kids grades 8-12.
I spoke to the Deputy Director for the region today. He is the one sorting out housing. I understand that the housing they originally wanted might not work because only men are living there now. He's working something out, perhaps at a neighboring school. He assures me that he's working on it and I will continue to talk to him about it this week.
The closest volunteer to you will be (a volunteer) in Kamanjab, also Kunene Region. I'd estimate that she's about an hour or two north of you. Further north another two hours from Kamanjab will be three volunteers in the Opuwo area. I'll let you know about housing as soon as it's sorted.
Take care, (Namibia WorldTeach Program Field Director)
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